Green Go
Let's Eat Brains For Breakfast
This track has been my morning jolt awake song for the last week. Its got a summer anthem vibe to it as well. Green Go is a Canadian posse that knows how to craft a catchy pop tune. Admittedly I have a weakness for group shout/sing along choruses and paired with the silly lyrics of this track it is addictive.
The High Strung
Black Mad Wheel
The High Strung have slowly crept into my play lists. I had received some of their stuff and liked it but not until I found out about their new blog project that I really gave them a good hard listen. They have begun posting free tracks for fan's in the know. Of the many bands who are pushing a low-fi sound this year The High Strung have a 70's feel that makes their approach respectable rather than messy. They are play at Kung Fu Necktie on June 18th .Consider yourself informed.
Oh no! Oh my!
The Party Punch
I can't remember exactly when Oh No! Oh My! first tripped into my iTunes but I couldn't be happier that their stuff is tucked in there. This particular track also has a fair share of group sing, whoops and clapping. From what I've heard of their stuff I'd say they aren't a one note twee band but a group that can do a sweet little love song and a silly romp like this without breaking stride. To many bands take themselves too seriously these guys just make good indie pop.
Free Energy
Dream City

Blowing up outta Philly is Free Energy. Made up of ex Hockey Night members they are harnessing a slightly more pop friendly sound in their new incarnation. This is another group made up of people I went to college with. Considering our school was a small granola enclave in southern Minnesota I'd say we have a nice (albeit disproportionate) run of talent representing our alumni. I caught them in a basement in Northern Liberties a few weeks ago and despite it being stiflingly hot the fellas put on a nice show. They just signed to DFA and I see big things coming round the bend for them.