Flaming Lips announced another concert at Festival Pier in August with Explosions In The Sky opening. Its going to be one trippy and spectacular show no doubt. So I thought this, besides being a solidly awesome ditty, was appropriate for this week's rehash.
Honey (Erykah Badu)- Seiji Remix
This is a sexy little remix to kick of this week's Remix Rehash. I put out a call for some unique tracks and this came to my attention via CubikMusik. I have always liked this EB drop and this new funkier version is more than welcome especially cause it is oh so good. Seiji really taps into the soul edge with a 80's flavored electro vibe.
One Pure Thought (Hot Chip) - Toddla T Remix
Hot Chip remixes are a dime a dozen and I will admit I receive them with a hint of skepticism. This one though has the right touch of dance hall to create a whole new sound without challenging the purity (heh heh see what I did there) of the original track.

Mister Diablo has been rightfully busy with remixing in memorium of MJ but still threw this out for mass consumption. Its chill (for DD) but builds towards a pretty awesome end. Good for cruising now that is would appear that summer has decided to arrive.
Little Bit (Lykke Li)- Death To The Throne Remix

So, I often get bland PR emails with demos and remixes. But this gem dropped into my in-box last week and totally made my day. It just so happened that the song was equally sweet. For your reading and listening pleasure [that's right dawls a twofer] from the tips of his witty fingers I give you the original email
"waddup? here's something new that i made. it's a "re-remix" of the lykke li song "little bit", not to be confused with the other little bit remix I've made. and now your wondering "another lykke li remix?" and then i reply in my angry samuel l. jackson voice "HEY, YOU TELL THE HOT GIRL THAT WORKS AT URBAN OUTFITTERS TO STOP LISTENING TO HER!! SHIT!!!!!!" ..i'm gonna go smoke a cigarette now....enjoy"
1 comment:
Great remix by Don Diablo, just magic!
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