So sorry that I haven't been posting this week. I have been rather ill and finding the energy to pull it together to function let alone blog has been rough. But I finally got the meds I needed and will be back in full force by Monday with three awesome new post in the making. But since I never like you to leave here empty handed enjoy this video of a wedding that took place in St. Paul. I actually heard about this from friends when I was back there a few weeks ago and got a good laugh when it went viral. I can't imagine a better way to dance yourself into your marriage.
And to inspire your own spectacular dance ideas Philly's own DJ Shawn Ryan recently sent me this excellent summer mix Superprince II. Its packed with awesomeness so download it now.
The links posted on TWIAPC are intended for your aural sampling pleasure. If you like what you hear please go to your record store or preferred industry friendly webstore and throw down your hard earned bills for their hard work. Or, better yet, go see them live. Many MANY of these acts are scattering themselves all over the country to bring their music to you and rarely cost more that $15.
If you're an artist (or represent an artist) whose work I have featured and you would like it removed please contact me TWIAPC gmail and it will be done so immediately.
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