Its been a distracting week here at TWIAPC. iTunes got all mussed :-/ As a result I was lured into reorganizing my absurdly large vault of music which led to uninhibited ADD web wandering in pursuit of all things music and away from the work that actually pays me. This snowballed into a getting behind on two big projects and a noticable up tick in stress. On the plus side, I rediscovered some quality forgotten tunes. Thankfully its a relatively low key weekend with everyone clearing out of the city for the holidays so I'm tackling a mess of emails, writing and designing to get back on the ball. But, I thought I would share some of the random gems that came out of the iTunes shake up/ curiosity adventure.
I like to call it the "What? bright lights? Where? Anyone want a Peep?" mix
Certified Bananas Cream On Top
The Wombats Everything I Do, I Do It For You (Bryan Adams cover)
Atmosphere Smart Went Crazy
Ryan Montbleau Band Starting Again
Jared Mees & The Grown Children In The Fall
**Illustration courtesy of
Codex Seraphinianus
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